
  • What is

    To submit a complain, you must first subscribe to our site.
    If you are a member, located on the site menu after logging in with your site username "Summer Complain" button.
    "On the "Write a complain" page, enter the category, title, description, and subject of your complain.
    The complain you submit will be published after it is approved. Approved complains appear on the "My Complains" tab on your member page.
  • Is there any character limit for complains submitted?

    You should not exceed the 1000 character limit in order to facilitate the readability of your complains and to ensure that they can be published quickly.
  • How many complains I have the right to write?

    You can send as many complains as you want to our site. However, please keep this rule in mind as we cannot reuse your previously published complains in our system.
    You can report any developments regarding complains that you think have not been solved before in the Mesaj Message to Company “section below your complain.
  • Are my complains checked?

    Your complains are firstly presented to the moderators. After this check, your complains will be published after editing our editors.
    Insulting, swearing, threatening, harassing, humiliating content such as insults; disclosure of other users' personal information, including telephone number, e-mail address and institution name; In addition, the moderator removes complains that humiliate the religion, language, gender, race, ethnic group and nationality of individuals or groups.
  • What should I pay attention to when writing my complains?

    When writing a complain about any product or service, consider the following:
    - Please describe your complains briefly and be constructive and objective.
    - Dont use insulting and unpleasant words.
    - Do not use email or user names of other users when writing a complain.
    - Please note that your complain can only be forwarded to the ”only interested firm company.
    - Please do not put advertising links into your complain.
    - Complains you write may only be about purchased products or services.
  • When is my complain published?

    Your complain will be published no later than 12 hours after the necessary check-ups are completed.
  • How can I see the complains I have submitted?

    You can access the complains you submitted from the üye My Complains ”tab on your member page.
  • How do I delete my complain?

    If you send the number of complains you want to delete through “Support Center gerekli, the necessary arrangement will be made as soon as possible.
  • Do I need to be a member to use

    You must be a member to write a complain on our site. All individual membership types at are free. Please note that the accuracy of the contact information you provide during the membership process is very important in the resolution of your complains!
  • How do I become a member?

    Situated on our homepage "Register" Click the tab. Fill out the membership form completely and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form. After that, an activation code will be sent to the e-mail address you used to register. You should activate your membership by clicking on this code.
  • What is membership activation?

    A confirmation link sent to you to check the email address you used to sign up.
  • No activation code, what should I do?

    The activation code sent can go to the "Junk / Spam" folder of your email address.
  • I forgot my password, what should I do?

    If you forget your password, member Forgot located "Password entry section," click the option, then complete and submit the information requested on-screen prompts. to complete your purchase by following the instructions on the content of messages to be sent to your e-mail address from our system. Note: Sent reminder mail, electronic mail address "Junk /
  • How do I update my profile photo?

    To add or change a photo to your profile, click the My Membership Information page on your profile page. You can save the photo you want to add to the system through the opened page. You should have one of the extensions: .jpg, .png, .bmp. - The maximum file size is 1 MB.
  • What are the reasons for rejection of complains?

    You can follow your rejected complains on the edilen Rejected Complains ”tab and find out the reasons for rejection. Reasons for rejection are: - Spelling error; Your complain has not been approved because there are too many spelling errors in your complain. - Disorder of meaning; If the complain you submitted has a meaning deficiency and the purpose is not understood, it has not been approved. - Personal Information; Your complain was not approved because your personal information that you wrote when you became a member is incomplete or incorrect. - Illegality; If the complain you submit does not comply with the Commercial and Competition Law laws, it is not approved. - Advertisement; The complain you submitted was not approved as a product or service is being advertised directly or indirectly. - Political or Religious Content; The complain you submitted was not approved for political or religious expressions. - Complain again; The complain you submitted has not been published because it is already on our site. - Conformity of content; The complain you submit directly or indirectly targets people, institutions or groups or contains insults. The words used in the complain are morally inappropriate. - Other; This option is used when a condition other than the above criteria is encountered.
  • How do I cancel my membership?

    After logging in with your username, click ım My Account bulunan on your profile page. In this section, you can use the silme Delete Membership ”option to enter your password and the reason for leaving the form on the opened page and press iptal Save” button to apply for cancellation.